Shalom beloved and beloved.
I affirm that there is no greater love than my Master Yahusha.
He gave himself, took on all our sins.
He died on the tree, shedding all his blood to wash us of our sins.
He was resurrected and through His life Master Yahusha brought Salvation to everyone who believes in Him and in Abba YHUH.
Beloved and beloved, the time is near. Seek the Kingdom of YHUH and everything will be added to you.
I bring you good news. Accept Yahusha HaMashiach only son of YHUH as your Redeemer and Savior and live a life to serve Him by bearing witness to the Master Yahusha.
BenYah-El Ben Moshe eved from YHUH.
Beloved, I will put two links where you can read the Gospel of John, the best translation of the scriptures in English and can be translated into Portuguese.
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